Disk Doctor allows you to free up tons of disk space by removing gigabytes of unneeded files from your hard drive. Here’s a quick step by step guide on how to use the app to the best of its abilities:
Launching the App and Selecting User Folder:
When the app launches, you are presented with a first-launch dialog box as follows:
Click on the ‘Select User Folder’ button to be presented with a File/Folder select window. On this popup window, simply click the 'Choose' button in the bottom right corner. Do not try to select or navigate to any other folder, just press the 'Choose' button.
Performing a System Scan:
Disk Doctor will then present an overview of the Free Space, Used Space and Total Capacity of the User folder you have selected, along with the percentage of your drive you have used up. Press the ‘Start Scan’ button to get Disk Doctor right down to business and seeing just what is taking up the space on your Mac.
The scanning process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the size of your drive and the nature of your drive (Solid State Drives scan faster than a normal Hard Drive). The progress bar will indicate that it is continuing a scan so please be patient and allow it to do so.
Clearing up Space on your Mac:
We always recommend that you make a Time Machine back up (ideally on an external hard drive) before progressing forward with clearing the space-hogging and unneeded contents on your Mac. Here’s how: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1427
Once Disk Doctor has performed a full scan, you will see a full overview of what is causing the clutter on your Mac, how much current space you have, how much can be freed up and what your new available disk space will be.
You can individually toggle by sliding ‘On’ and ‘Off’ any of the available fields to select just how much to clear up.
Click on the ‘i’ button next to each field to get more information on what that particular field corresponds to. Click on the ‘Details’ button next to the fields that contain it to view exactly what content is being deleted, and whether you wish to keep it or not. Finally, click the ‘View’ button next to their corresponding fields to view that particular Folder and it’s contents.
Hit the ‘Next’ button to carry out the cleaning of your Mac’s contents. Once this is complete, the final screen you’ll be presented with will display how much space has been freed up, along with a breakdown of all the content that was cleared. You can then choose to rescan or Quit the app.
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