First Launch & Using the App:
The app functions as a menubar app. This means that as soon as you download the app and launch it, it’ll appear in the top menubar on your Mac’s screen as an Infinity Dashboard icon, and you will be presented with the default app window as follows:
When the app first launches, you will notice a list of preinstalled module groups on your screen, showcasing certain categories such as Upcoming Events, Finance, Social, Times, Mac Stats, etc.
All of these modules are completely customisable via the app’s ‘Module Config’ panel.
Preferences Panel - Editing and Adding/Removing Modules:
In order to edit, delete or add modules, open the Preferences panel by right clicking the Infinity Dashboard menu bar icon or simply hitting Cmd + , (command and comma) when the app window is open.
You will then be presented with the following window:
Under the Dashboard Groups column, you will see the entire list of preinstalled module groups. The column to the right of this lets you manage the modules within the highlighted group.
To add a new group, simply click on the ‘+’ icon next to ‘Dashboard Groups’. You will notice a new group appear in the list as seen below.
Simply click on the highlighted text to edit the group name and click on the emoji to edit the associated emoji image next to the group.
To then add a functioning module to your new group category, click on the ‘Add Module’ button on the top right corner of the Module Config window. It will then present you with a screen as follows, which contains a sizeable list of bundled modules provided by us for you to use and edit.
In order to edit a module, double click on it or hit the ‘pencil’ icon next to it. In our example below with the ‘Amazon Price Tracker’, you are able to fully track changes in the price of a particular item for sale on Amazon.
You can edit values such as the refresh interval, the way in which the price change is displayed, and other items such as notifications on increases/decreases, etc. Please note that these modules are highly customisable, and modules individually differ in the way they display data.
In order to delete a module, simply click on the ‘Remove Module’ button on the top right of the ‘Module Config’ panel. Further, to delete an entire group, either right click the group in question or select it and click the ‘-‘ (minus) icon next to Dashboard Groups in the ‘Module Config’ panel.
You can also duplicate groups by right clicking and selecting ‘Duplicate’. You can then rearrange the order of the appearance of groups and modules on your Infinity Dashboard app window by clicking on and dragging and dropping the groups on the ‘Module Config’ panel (groups can also be moved up/down by right clicking on them on this panel.
Custom Modules:
The ‘Custom Modules’ preferences panel window lets you manage custom installed modules. Infinity Dashboard provides you with a full explanation and tutorial on how to add and create custom modules.
In order to learn more, kindly click on the ‘Learn to Create a Module’ button on the bottom left hand corner of the ‘Custom Modules’ panel. You will be presented with an additional sub window that explains in full detail on how to do the above.
If you are familiar with the procedure, you can install modules using the ‘Install Module’ button on the top right corner of the same window. Lastly, you can find even more modules via the Infinity Dashboard website on, accessed via the ‘Find More Modules’ button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
The general Preferences panel offers you the ability to customise the app’s visual appearance and other basic functionality.
For example, you can add a hotkey to trigger the app, have the app start at login, have the app icon show in your Dock, etc. Further, you can choose between a light and dark window theme, edit the app window size and also Import or Export the entire ‘Module Config’ of Infinity Dashboard. Note that if you Import a Module Config from a file on your Mac, it will irreversibly override the existing Module Config panel on your app with that of the imported file.
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